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Emergency Orthodontist — Framingham, MA

Urgent Orthodontic Care When You Need It Most

We understand that orthodontic emergencies in Framingham can happen at the most unexpected moments. Luckily, our team at Simply Orthodontics Framingham is prepared to remedy your problem and get your oral health back on track. With early intervention, we can prevent any issues from worsening and negatively affecting your smile. Our office will work diligently to schedule your appointment at the earliest convenience. If you’d like to learn more about orthodontic emergencies, continue reading or give our office a call today!

young girl sitting in orthodontic office

Why Choose Simply Orthodontics Framingham for Emergency Orthodontic Care?

What to Do in an Orthodontic Emergency

young boy visiting emergency orthodontist in Framingham

The Most Common Orthodontic Emergencies

Like with normal dental emergencies, the sooner you give our orthodontic office a call after your orthodontic emergency, the better. In fact, you should never hesitate to reach out to us in these circumstances. We can get you on our schedule for an appointment as soon as possible, and we can provide guidance for improving your situation. Thankfully, there are things you can do before you come to our orthodontic office. Read on to learn more.

Understanding the Cost of Treating Orthodontic Emergencies

patient calculating cost of orthodontic emergencies in Framingham

Since orthodontic emergencies can vary from patient to patient, there is no set cost for emergency treatment. Some emergencies are quick and relatively inexpensive to address, while others might need more thorough care or replacement parts, which can ultimately add to your final bill. It’s impossible to provide an accurate estimate until you come in for an exam. We’ll need to properly evaluate your situation to determine the best course of action for your smile. Rest assured – our team will thoroughly explain the pricing information beforehand to ensure you know exactly what to expect. Continue reading below to learn a little more about some of the factors that determine how much you’ll end up paying to address an orthodontic emergency in Framingham.

Every Orthodontic Emergency Is Different

a patient with braces in pain

One key thing to keep in mind is that no two orthodontic emergencies are going to be exactly the same—since everyone’s teeth, orthodontic solutions, and daily circumstances differ, the possibilities that can unfold are virtually endless. Some orthodontic emergencies might seem dire but can easily be treated with quick and inexpensive solutions, whereas other problems might require more complex treatment. In any case, the very first thing we’ll do is review your situation carefully and come up with an appropriate course of action. Once this has been taken care of, we can begin providing an expected cost of care.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Orthodontic Emergencies?

a closeup of a dental insurance form

You’ll be happy to hear that the majority of dental insurance providers offer some level of coverage for orthodontic emergencies. However, since each plan differs and everyone experiences varying symptoms and circumstances, it’s always going to be in your best interest to check the details and fine print of your plan before you commit to treatment. For your convenience, our practice is thrilled to work with a wide variety of different insurance providers, and we’re also more than happy to sit down with you and review the specifics of your coverage – you should never have to worry about the cost of care when you’re suffering from an emergency!

Other Options for Making Orthodontic Emergencies Affordable

a patient visiting her orthodontist

Even if you don’t have dental insurance, you’re not entirely out of luck when it comes to lessening the financial blow of an orthodontic emergency. We’re thrilled to partner with LendingPoint, a third-party financer that allows qualifying patients to break up their total cost of care into affordable monthly installments that can fit within any budget. 

Taking Care of Your Smile Can Save Money in the Long Run

a patient with braces brushing their teeth

Of course, the best way you can save money on emergency orthodontic care is by simply avoiding the need for it entirely! While this is much easier said than done, there are still a lot of ways you can take great care of your smile at home and drastically lessen your likelihood of experiencing an orthodontic emergency. In addition to excellent oral hygiene at home, you’ll want to follow all of the instructions provided to you. For example, if you have braces, be sure to avoid problematic foods and wear your elastics as instructed. If you’re an Invisalign patient, be certain that you’re removing your aligners before eating anything. And of course, as soon as you become aware of a problem with your orthodontics, don’t hesitate to contact us promptly before a costly emergency has the chance to unfold!

How to Prevent Orthodontic Emergencies

woman brushing teeth with braces

Believe it or not, it’s infinitely easier to prevent an orthodontic emergency from occurring in the first place than it is to deal with it when it pops up. By following a few simple precautions, you can significantly minimize your risk of experiencing a dental disaster! Here are a few things you should keep in mind.

Keep Up with Your Orthodontic Checkups

a close-up of braces being adjusted

Visiting us as often as required is perhaps the best way of preventing unexpected emergencies. These visits allow us to closely inspect your teeth and orthodontic appliances, ensuring that no nasty issues are flying under the radar. If something is amiss, we can point it out and quickly correct it before sending you home. These checkups might not always be easy or convenient to attend (we’ll do what we can to ensure a quick and smooth process), but if you make a focused effort to stop by when you need to, you’re setting your smile up for lasting protection.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene Habits at Home

a patient with braces brushing her teeth

It falls on you to maintain your oral health at home; brushing and flossing every day are essential habits that prevent harmful particles and bacteria from forming plaque and tartar. If left unchecked, tooth decay, gum disease or other problems might come up, and these can certainly lead to painful emergencies. Though you’ll have to take some careful considerations when cleaning your teeth with braces or clear aligners, it’s a small price to pay to ensure that your smile doesn’t encounter any issues.

Be Careful with Your Diet

a girl with braces eating an apple

When you first receive braces or clear aligners, you should also receive a lengthy list of dietary restrictions and guidelines. These might seem arbitrary, but they help to ensure that you aren’t eating anything that might harm your mouth or hinder your orthodontic process. Problematic items that are hard, crunchy, sticky or chewy might harm your brackets, snap one of your wires, or crack a clear aligner – though you shouldn’t be eating while wearing your aligners to begin with. Stick to foods and snacks that won’t create problems; you’ll still have a wide variety of tasty options!

Protect Your Pearly Whites with a Mouthguard

a boy holding a protective mouthguard

Braces or clear aligners don’t really offer any protection for your teeth, so you’ll have to take extra precautions if you’re active, play sports, or suffer from bruxism, which involves subconsciously grinding your teeth at night. Fortunately, custom-made mouthguards from our office can easily safeguard your teeth and ensure that your orthodontic progress isn’t halted due to a mishap, injury or bad habit you can’t control.

Remember: Your Teeth Aren’t Tools!

a patient with braces experiencing oral pain

Teeth are tough, but they aren’t invincible – and using your pearly whites for purposes other than biting and chewing your food isn’t wise, especially if you have braces. Not only could you wear down and damage your tooth enamel, but you’ll also run the risk of breaking your braces or aligners. Never use your teeth as tools to open packaging, unscrew bottles, hold objects, or cut your fingernails.